Feldenkrais Method in Herndon VirginiaMonica Browne now holds classes using the Feldenkrais Method in Herndon Virginia and helps people of all ages learn to move more easily. Contact Monica to enrich your life and expand your abilities.

  • Learning new ways to move can be an essential addition to the treatment of neurological, orthopedic, chronic pain, and stress-related conditions.
  • Easier movement means greater comfort performing everyday activities at work or home, and greater skill in athletic and artistic pursuits.
  • As you expand your awareness of how you think, sense, feel, and move, the possibilities for personal improvement and human development are limitless.

Monica provides gentle, innovative lessons in the Feldenkrais Method that will allow you to observe how you move, notice unnecessary tension, and improve your overall coordination.

The Feldenkrais Method has helped

  • Musicians, dancers and actors
  • Athletes and fitness enthusiasts
  • Students
  • Children with Special Needs
  • Seniors
  • Anyone seeking to improve their quality of life.

I would love to help you, too, please don’t hesitate to Contact me.