Welcome to the Feldenkrais Movement of Fairfax, VA

Would you like to move with less pain? Experience the Feldenkrais Method® of neuromuscular re-education for self-care and support the treatment of neurological, orthopedic, chronic pain and stress related conditions.
The Feldenkrais Method is most often used for increased flexibility, coordination and balance; neck, back and joint relief; headaches; neuromuscular disorders, and physical rehabilitation. It also improves athletic performance and helps with circumventing creative blocks.

Because the movements are gentle and involve no pain or strain, most people can participate and benefit from this method. When you use the Feldenkrais method, often you will notice change in thought patterns when you change your movement patterns.

Group classes, and personal sessions are available for people of all ages and abilities.

Read our FAQs. See what our clients are saying…  Meet Monica Browne, owner of Movement Consulting.

Feldenkrais classes in Loudoun County